Couples therapy using my TANTRIC body work

This is a wonderful gift between partners. I will remind you how to show each other your desires and wishes, through the healing power of touch. After the food and wine ritual, the session will go according to the objective. This is discussed in great lengths over the phone before the session. The ideal is to have everyone as comfortable as humanly possible, as tantra is about consenting adults. I can amongst other things, teach both partners how to touch each other with sensual techniques, and generally in the session, show you how to remind each other how special you are to one another.

If you really care for your partner and your relationship...... need more passion and excitement  ?

    do you love to . . .

Become a better, more aware and confident lover?

Experience more intimacy and pleasure than you can now imagine?

Find sexual wholeness and liberate yourself from past sexual/emotional wounding?

Restore balance and harmony to your life, in spite of a stressful, hectic lifestyle?  Achieve deeper intimacy and loving connection in relationship?

Discover a path of spiritual growth and self-realization that celebrates both body and spirit?

Become more joyful, creative, radiant, and open-hearted?

Relieve the sense that there's "something missing" in your relationship or "there must be something more"?

If you have answered YES to any of these questions, then you'll enjoy my private Tantra sessions!

My passion is spirituality that celebrates the body and awakens you to your own divine magnificence. I am committed to helping you integrate the energies of heart,  and spirit to reveal the ecstatic possibilities of living in bliss. The hallmarks of my work are my warmth, open-heartedness and compassion, deep presence, integrity, and playfulness of spirit.

Tantric between couples can be a wonderful experience - out from the world, exploring each others deepest pleasures, and reminding one another how much you care, appreciate and love each other.In our sessions, I will be your Tantric practice partner, and you will experience presence, love, compassion, playfulness, openness, warmth, and joy that make for a great partner. I will guide you on your way to becoming a more sexually whole, passionate, creative, conscious, expressive, loving being. When true love steps through the door, you will be ready!


$150 1,5 hour session
$ 200 2 hour session